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non-slip, beautiful concrete finishes for pool decks

The surface around my in-ground swimming pool was always slippery when it was wet. I decided last year after watching my three year old son slip and fall for the last time that I was going to have a contractor come out and resurface the area around the pool. I have spent the last several months looking into the different concrete finishing techniques that will not only provide a safe, non-slip surface, but that would also look really nice around the pool. To find out what options you have to create a non-slip beautiful surface around your pool, visit my site.


non-slip, beautiful concrete finishes for pool decks

Top Benefits Of Choosing Exterior Concrete Steps Vs. Wooden Steps

by Bessie Armstrong

If you are looking to invest in a set of steps that will be used outdoors, such as if you need steps that are used to lead to your house, then you could be thinking about having them built from wood. Even though this is a popular option, it is not your only option for exterior steps. Instead, consider choosing concrete steps instead. These are a few of the top benefits of using concrete for your exterior stairs.

Get the Design You Want

Someone who is experienced in molding and working with concrete can create many different designs out of concrete. This means that you can actually be more likely to get the size and style that you want than if you were to purchase wooden steps.

Avoid Worrying About Splinters

The last thing that you may want to worry about when using your exterior steps is splinters. However, with wood, this cannot be completely prevented. Therefore, if you walk up and down your wooden steps barefoot, for example, you could end up with painful wooden splinters in your feet. Luckily, this is not something that you have to worry about if you choose concrete steps. This is an especially good choice if you have children and are worried about them possibly getting splinters from your steps.

Enjoy Them for a Very Long Time

It is true that wooden steps can last for a long time, but there are various things that can happen that can cause them to have to be replaced before you might have expected. For example, wooden steps can begin to rot, or they can be attacked my termites, which can leave behind considerable damage. Concrete steps can last much longer, meaning that if you invest in them now, you and your family can use them for a long time to come.

Make Taking Care of Your Steps Easier

With wooden steps, you have to worry about various steps for taking care of them. You may have to waterproof them, paint them or stain them every few years, for example. With concrete steps, this is not a problem. Instead, you can simply sweep them off and occasionally spray them off with a water hose to keep them looking nice. Then, you can help prevent your steps from leaving you with yet another chore to have to worry about when taking care of your home and property.
