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non-slip, beautiful concrete finishes for pool decks

The surface around my in-ground swimming pool was always slippery when it was wet. I decided last year after watching my three year old son slip and fall for the last time that I was going to have a contractor come out and resurface the area around the pool. I have spent the last several months looking into the different concrete finishing techniques that will not only provide a safe, non-slip surface, but that would also look really nice around the pool. To find out what options you have to create a non-slip beautiful surface around your pool, visit my site.


non-slip, beautiful concrete finishes for pool decks

Is Sealcoating Your Asphalt Driveway a Necessary Measure?

by Bessie Armstrong

Asphalt driveways remain the gold standard for many American residences, and this can be attributed to the wide array of advantages that they offer. Not only are these driveways quick to install, but they are also more economical than other materials in the market, and this makes them accessible to a majority of the population. Moreover, the slip resistance provided by asphalt driveways mitigates the risk of slip and fall accidents on your property, which makes them ideally suited to families with young children.

A professionally installed asphalt driveway can also greatly elevate the curb appeal of your property. But to keep your asphalt driveway pristine despite the external factors that it will be exposed to, you must hire an asphalt sealcoating service. If you are wondering whether this measure will be worth the cost, read on for a few of the ways that sealcoating will be beneficial to your asphalt driveway. 

Sealcoating limits the threat of ultraviolet damage 

Simply because asphalt is designed to be installed on exterior surfaces does not automatically mean that is it invulnerable to the effects of the sun. One of the biggest threats that your driveway will face is premature damage due to constant ultraviolet exposure. This threat is magnified during the summer months which are characterized by scorching heat. Without a protective finish, the surface of the asphalt will start to experience molecular changes that will lead to the disintegration of its surface.

Along with that, your driveway loses its aesthetic value. Considering that these changes are irreversible, you may have to undertake extensive repaving or the complete overhaul of your driveway. Asphalt sealcoating is a cost-efficient way of keeping your driveway exempt from UV damage and works to extend its lifecycle.

Sealcoating limits the threat of chemical damage 

You could be thinking that there is no risk of chemical exposure posed to your asphalt driveway since you are not engaging in any industrial activities at your residence, but this is grossly incorrect. What some homeowners take for granted is the various acids, oils, detergents, and more that this material can soak up regularly. Your car, for example, is a leading culprit of this since fluids, such as the transmission fluid, engine oil, and more, can leak from the vehicle and seep into the asphalt.

If not cleaned thoroughly, the compounds in these fluids can break down the surface of the asphalt. Caustic cleaning agents, on the other hand, can be incredibly harsh to the surface of the asphalt. Instead of taking a risk that would lead to the undue abrasion of the asphalt's surface, it is best to have your driveway seal coated so you can rest assured that it has a protective barrier. 

For more information about sealcoating your driveway, contact a local company, such as J & B Asphalt, to learn more.
