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non-slip, beautiful concrete finishes for pool decks

The surface around my in-ground swimming pool was always slippery when it was wet. I decided last year after watching my three year old son slip and fall for the last time that I was going to have a contractor come out and resurface the area around the pool. I have spent the last several months looking into the different concrete finishing techniques that will not only provide a safe, non-slip surface, but that would also look really nice around the pool. To find out what options you have to create a non-slip beautiful surface around your pool, visit my site.


non-slip, beautiful concrete finishes for pool decks

The Signs That You Need Foundation Repair for Your Home

by Bessie Armstrong

As a homeowner, it is essential to regularly inspect your house for problems, including foundation issues. A stable foundation is critical to the safety and stability of your home. However, many homeowners overlook foundation issues until they become severe problems. In this blog post, we will discuss the signs that you need foundation repair for your home.

1. Cracks in Walls

One of the most apparent signs that your foundation requires repair is cracks in walls, both on the interior and exterior. These cracks typically appear near windows and doors and at the corners of walls. If you notice larger or expanding cracks, it could be a sign of a more severe foundation problem that needs professional attention.

2. Uneven Floors

If you notice uneven floors or spacing between the walls and floor, it could indicate foundation problems. You can easily check this by placing a level on your floors. Uneven floors can make your house unstable and dangerous, and you should contact a foundation repair professional immediately if you see any signs.

3. Sticking Doors and Windows

When you notice that your doors or windows are sticking or are difficult to open or close, it is a sign of foundation issues. The shifts in soil beneath your foundation can cause the walls in your home to move and cause these windows and doors to become misaligned. If this is not addressed, it could lead to serious problems that require extensive repairs.

4. Sagging Floors and Collapsing Walls

If you notice sagging floors or collapsing walls, your foundation is likely in dire need of repair. Not only are these signs unsightly, but they can also cause safety hazards in your home. It would be best if you had a foundation repair professional inspect your home immediately if you observe any of these signs.

5. Water Damage

Excessive moisture in your basement or crawl space can cause your foundation to deteriorate over time. If you notice cracks, wet spots, mold, or musty smells, it could be a sign of water damage. This might not always be a foundation issue, but it's essential to address water damage quickly to prevent it from turning into a foundation problem.

Don't overlook the signs of foundation problems in your home. You can save yourself a lot of money, and more importantly, you can keep yourself and your family safe by addressing these issues promptly. If you notice any cracks, uneven floors, or sticking windows and doors, don't hesitate to reach out to a professional foundation repair contractor. They can inspect your home and provide you with the necessary repairs to ensure your home stays safe and structurally sound.

For more information on foundation repair, contact a professional near you.
