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non-slip, beautiful concrete finishes for pool decks

The surface around my in-ground swimming pool was always slippery when it was wet. I decided last year after watching my three year old son slip and fall for the last time that I was going to have a contractor come out and resurface the area around the pool. I have spent the last several months looking into the different concrete finishing techniques that will not only provide a safe, non-slip surface, but that would also look really nice around the pool. To find out what options you have to create a non-slip beautiful surface around your pool, visit my site.


non-slip, beautiful concrete finishes for pool decks

    How To Patch Concrete Cracks

    Maintaining concrete around your property usually something you don't need to worry about very often. But, over the years, there's a good chance that your concrete surfaces are going to crack to some extent. Small pressure cracks are extremely common, and they are mostly harmless. However, many people don't like the way they look, even when they are small. Furthermore, when a crack forms, the edges of that crack can get worn down and chipped off over time, causing it to be become bigger and more noticeable.

    How To Stain Your Concrete

    Concrete is a durable material used in a number of ways around your home, including as sub-floors in basements and main floors, counters and in other areas. This concrete may look boring, but it can have a one-of-a-kind look if it's stained. If you have concrete floors, think about staining the concrete and leaving these floors uncovered for a gorgeous look. See below for tips on how to stain your concrete:

    Tips For Buying And Caring For A Gravel Driveway

    If you need to be sure that you are enjoying great curb appeal and accessibility to your property, you'll want to invest in the best possible driveway. By using the help of a driveway contractor that can assist you, you're better able to buy the right type of driveway and have it serve you for years. Buying driveway gravel can be a great idea in this regard. If you're interested in purchasing and owning a gravel driveway, read on and understand these tips:

    Five Things To Consider When Deciding Whether Or Not To Finish Your Basement

    The functionality of your basement will be severely limited if it is unfinished. Of course, finishing a basement is a big project that could be expensive and should only be carried out for very clear reasons. The following are five factors you should be considering when you're deciding if you want to finish your basement or leave it unfinished.  Space availability Probably the number one consideration is whether you need more habitable rooms in your home.

    Can a Permeable Concrete Driveway Help You Do Your Part for the Environment?

    There are various types of concrete out there. When you call up a contractor about using concrete for your driveway or walkway, you should know a little about what kind of concrete they typically use. One type you may want to consider, or suggest, is pervious concrete. Pervious, or permeable, concrete is a green solution for driveways for many reasons. Pervious Concrete Helps Your Local Environment Your local environment consists of your property, the properties around you, and other parts of the municipality.

    3 Tips To Prevent Concrete Lawn Decorations From Growing Mold And Mildew

    If you have concrete lawn decorations on your property, you might love the way that they look. Unfortunately, you probably will not love them as much if mold and/or mildew begin to grow on them. Luckily, following these tips can help you prevent your lawn decorations from growing mold and mildew. 1. Have Your Lawn Decorations Sealed First of all, before you find the perfect spot for your concrete lawn decorations, it's a good idea to have them thoroughly sealed with a spray-on sealer, such as an acrylic spray.

    Answers To Two Common Questions About Concrete Curing

    In order to end up with an attractive appearance and long-lasting stability, a concrete surface must be properly cured. Yet few outside of the concrete industry understand how the curing process works. If you have plans to install a new concrete surface on your property, and would like to learn more about curing, read on. This article will answer two commonly asked questions. Why is concrete curing so important? Curing is one of the most essential facets of the concrete installation process.

    3 Ideas To Give Your Home Interesting Floor Solutions With Concrete Finishes

    If you want to have durable custom floors for your home, it can be costly to have materials like hardwood or tile installed in your home. Some of these materials can also be a problem in basements where water damage may be a concern. Instead of using conventional materials for the flooring in your home, you may want to consider some alternatives with concrete finished. Some concrete solutions are even used in high-end homes, such as acid staining and stamped concrete finishes.